Sparking Joy and Happiness: Bringing Yourself Out of a Rut


“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore

You know those days when you try your hardest to come out of a rut but you just can’t pull yourself out of a depressive or angry state? I feel you. I see you.

No matter how small you’re feeling now and how dim your light feels, just remember that even the faintest light will guide you home.


Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist or medical practitioner. If you are feeling extreme heaviness in your heart and mind, consider seeing a professional who can assist you. This article that you are reading is to shed light on how you are not alone and that support systems are around you. May the light guide you home.

You are not alone.

Oftentimes, it takes that one nourishing thought or one supportive person to help you move forward and bring you out of the dark cave.  If you are prone to depressive states or anxious thoughts, please seek out a professional or call a local hotline. Always remember, you have wonderful people in your community who are most likely able to support you through those tough times. Welcome the fire of love to warm you right up and bring you back to a state of calm and shimmers of hope.


In those moments of despair, hopelessness, disappointment, and/or anger, it can feel impossible to override those feelings. Do not gaslight yourself. Invite the feelings and thoughts. Get your journal out and start writing. You could even record yourself on your phone. Usually, when you can get all of those intense thoughts out, you’ll feel some relief. Just as a dormant volcano erupts every few decades, we too need to erupt and feel all of the human emotions!

Sidenote: If you’re noticing that your mood fluctuations often occur when the seasons change, you may be interested in reading my recent article on Seasonal Affective Disorder.


How many candles can you light with one match?

The answer: Until your finger gets burned! (just kidding)
If one person has a candle, the next candle can get lit and on it goes.


Whether you’re religious or not, you may have noticed candles are often a part of rituals and ceremonies. Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Paganism, and so on. And can’t forget birthdays! Even candlelight vigils. There are always candles involved in ceremonies. What’s the symbolism of a candle?


Simply put, it’s for the warm ambiance of reflection and contemplation. But most of all, the symbolism of lighting the spirit with God/Source/Universe. When you bring light into the darkness, the space around is illuminated. Some religions see the candlelight to be the omnipresence of a greater spirit to light up the path. Many religions use candles for prayers.

If you’re curious to find out more about the symbolism of candles in religions, check out these links below:
The Melt Co

Bringing out some biology here for a brief moment. It’s not my strong suit but I couldn’t resist sharing a tidbit about our incredible human body.

If you feel depressed for an hour, you’ve produced approximately eighteen billion new cells that have more receptors calling out for depressed-type peptides and fewer calling out for feel-good peptides… It also creates the need for more gloomy thoughts, and you become addicted to gloominess.
~ Chris Prentiss
Zen and the Art of Mindfulness

Just as much as someone can become addicted to alcohol, drugs, or sugar – Someone can become addicted to certain emotions. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions can get fueled and addicted to anger and sadness. So how can you reprogram your brain and subconscious mind to be addicted to joy and happiness instead?

There are many techniques, lifestyle changes, and methods that may help you shift your mindset. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. And take it a day at a time. Major lifestyle changes can take time to become habitual. The more you feed the happy hormones, the more your body will get used to being in that state.
(Read 5 Mindful Steps to Connect With Your Authentic Self for more insight on this topic)

We are the masters of our minds, not the other way around.

Let me tell you a short story. Since I was a little girl, my body became very used to being in stressful states. Hearing my parents arguing, intense news and tv shows blaring in the background – constantly being in a fight-or-flight state was the norm. This continued for my entire life. And I grew up believing that everyone just felt this way. Anxious, depressed, and angry. 

But one day, when I was 18 years old, I discovered self-help books, spirituality, yoga, and meditation. I soon realized that it wasn’t normal to be in this state all the time.  Bouncing up and down from intense highs and lows is, in fact, not normal. It took about two decades of trial and error to explore what activities, rituals, herbs, essential oils, friends, and family to have in my life. 

Needless to say, I am still human and I still have ups and downs. But those waves that ebb and flow are more manageable than they used to be. I am full of relief that mindfulness practices are now being taught in elementary school. Imagine if we were all taught emotional regulation and mindfulness techniques from a young age. 

Emotional Pain Chart

Have you ever felt your anger, depression, or anxiety manifest somewhere in your body? Even acne breakouts and locations of headaches or migraines can manifest in specific areas due to particular stresses. Leave a comment below if you’ve experienced this too!


So knowing that your thoughts can be reprogrammed into the subconscious mind – What will you do today to reframe your mind and nourish yourself to shift your mindset? (You can also check out a Goal Setting Planner that I’ve made for you)

Just as a mother consoles her child or a child consoles the parent, how will you nourish yourself with compassion and empathy? How will you ignite yourself and feed the fire within you?


Take care of yourself.

Be kind.
Be gentle.
Be patient.

Sending you much love,

Published by Maya Ushikubo, CDMP, PCM, M. Msc.

Multi-faceted mama of 2 incredible humans; Digital Marketing Specialist

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